Nantes-Angers Biology-Health Doctoral School



The Nantes – Angers Graduate School of Health Biology brings together all PhD students and research teams from Nantes and Angers working in a wider field of biology and its implications for health. A large part of the laboratories involved in this school have activities grouped within 2 “SFR” (2 research federations): SFR Bonamy in Nantes and SFR ICAT in Angers. Animal health is also an important theme of this doctoral school, thus involving some of Oniris Research Units (Nantes vet’ school).

Two laboratories of the IFREMER (French research institute dedicated to advance knowledge on the oceans and their resources) center in Nantes, whose research has a strong involvement in health are also integrated in the doctoral school. All of these laboratories currently host 345 PhD students in 35 units or laboratories employing more than 475 researchers and teacher-researchers.



The doctoral school “Health/Biology” is led by Nantes University with a co-accreditation with Angers University and Oniris Vet’ School.

Each of these three institutions is authorized to deliver the doctoral degree. The Doctoral School “Health/Biology” assumes the missions related to the doctoral training defined by the decree of August 7, 2006, namely:


  • Selection and registration of doctoral students,
  • The organization of training courses which aim to assist the doctoral student in the definition of his professional project or to become an autonomous researcher. These courses also allow the doctoral student to acquire a broader culture.
  • The follow-up of doctoral students during their thesis through a committee of follow-up of thesis, and after the thesis in their professional insertion.
  • The international opening as part of incentives for PhD students to present their work in congresses, to do a short-term internship in a foreign laboratory, and by promoting international co-supervision of thesis.


Pr Yann PEREON (University Professor – Hospital Practitioner, University of Nantes)

Deputy Directors
Professor Frank BOURY (University of Angers)
Pr Bruno LE BIZEC (Oniris)


UFR MEDICINE – 1 rue Gaston Veil – BP 53508 – 44035 NANTES cedex 1
Garance PERAIS
Tel 02 40 41 11 02 –


40 rue de Rennes – BP 73532 – 49000 Angers
Christelle TRAON
Tel 02 41 96 22 50 – and


Atlanpole – The Chantrerie
BP 40706 – 44307 NANTES Cedex 3
Christina PEREON Phone 02 40 68 28 05 –


See also on:


– admission conditions and registration procedures
– doctoral school affiliated laboratories
– proposals of theses topics

Working in company during your PhD: Industrial Contract for Research Training (CIFRE)


The CIFRE contract offers the companies financial assistance to recruit a young doctoral student whose research work is under the supervision of a senior public researcher. Like a classic doctoral course, its leads a PhD defense and graduation.

 The CIFRE thesis associates three partners
  1. A company, which entrusts a doctoral student with a research project that is the subject of his thesis;
  2. A public laboratory, external to the company, which provides the scientific supervision of the doctoral student;
  3. A PhD sstudent previously graduated.


The company recruits a graduated student in open-ended contract or fixed-term contract for 3 years and he is entrusted a research project to gain the PhD. It receives for 3 years from the National Association for Research and Technology (A.N.R.T.), an annual grant. A collaboration agreement is established between the company and the laboratory specifying the conditions for conducting the research and the IP clauses of the results obtained by the doctoral student. The doctoral student’s work is eligible for a research tax credit (“CIR”) according to the same criteria as for any researcher working in a company.


The CIFRE contract:

– guarantees that the thesis will run smoothly under good financial conditions for the doctoral student

– almost guarantees PhD defence (more than 90% of doctoral students in all disciplines)

– and is also a serious asset for later steps of the PhD student professional future


More information:



The Erasmus Mundus joint doctorate

A joint doctorate Erasmus Mundus is a three-year doctoral thesis, co-supervised by partners in two different European countries and including a one-year mobility period. It aims to provide each student with a high-level scientific program, complementary skills and a whole culture. These thesis grants are funded by the European Commission. Students are assessed and graduated by two universities.


The current Erasmus Mundus program
  • Nanofar, European PhD in Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Innovation
  • Nanomedicine – the application of nanotechnology to healthcare – is a new and growing field of multidisciplinary science covering the academic, clinical and industrial sectors. T
The courses will allow students to fully benefit from the advanced scientific specialties of each partner
  • Design of nanomedicine devices,
  • Applications of nanomedicine for imaging and radiotherapy,
  • Interaction between biological systems and artificial nanostructures,
  • Nanomedicine in therapy and regenerative medicine,
  • Transfer of nanomedicine from the laboratory to the clinic.


These topics are explored in each NanoFar summer school organized annually in one of the partner countries and supplemented by high-level thematic courses in each university. The language of the Nanofar program is English with all the possibilities to learn local languages.

NanoFar welcomes 10 to 15 new doctoral students per year (from the EU and third world countries).



More information: