Operational team

Mathis Benzima
Bioregate Education and training engineer
Graduated with a Master degree in training and education engineering, he has gained an expertise in pedagogy and training engineering in the field of ICTs. He brings his skills to Bioregate developments to improve, create or internationalize university courses in regenerative and repair medicine (on-campus and distance learning courses).
RmeS, RDJ – UFR Odontologie
1, place Alexis Ricordeau – 44042 NANTES cedex 01
Email: mathis.benzina@univ-nantes.fr
tel: (+33)2 44 76 90 39

Olivier Roussel
Administrative management and operational management support officer
Holder of a Master 2 in European project management, he brings his expertise to all REI programs run by the University of Nantes. Within Bioregate REI , he ensures the administrative and financial monitoring of projects financed by calls for projects. He also coordinates all of the actions inherent to RFI Bioregate with the scientific director, partners and funders.
RmeS, RDJ – UFR Odontologie
1, place Alexis Ricordeau – 44042 NANTES cedex 01
Email: olivier.roussel@univ-nantes.fr
tél : 06 33 48 62 46