Simulation of European Council around a topical theme: Regenerative Medicine and Bioethics

16 May 2018
Regenerative Medicine

Simulation of European Council around a topical theme: Regenerative Medicine and Bioethics


On April 7, 2018, the Pays de la Loire Regional Hotel hosted the fourth edition of a simulation of a European Council organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and supported by Bioregate, the Pays de la Loire region authority and Nantes University Foundation.


This 4th edition brought together 60 students of varied fields: Undergraduate students from the European course in Law, History, Languages ​​and Philosophy, Medical students and students from Masters in biology, ethics, international and European law and Political Sciences.


Students were invited to discuss “Regenerative and bioethical medicine: between protection and improvement of human health” to ultimately lead to a negotiated text, reflecting a common position on this topic of society.



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