Bioregate Forum is a biennial European meeting dedicated to the “4R Medicine”: Repair, Replacement, Regeneration & Reprogramming. A regenerative medicine forum to highlight latest scientific, technological, clinical & commercialization approaches in the field of cell & gene therapy, stem cells, biomaterials and tissue engineering. Its vocation is to enhance links between researchers, clinicians, industrials and institutional stakeholders such as those responsible for regulation and reimbursement changes, and thus to shorten time to market for the patients’ benefits.
Local organizing committee
- Pr Pierre Weiss, Nantes University, Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton Lab (RmeS)
- Dr Réjane Bihan, Nantes University, Bioregate Executive Director
- Dr Laurent David, Nantes University, IPSC core facility, Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology (CRTI)
- Dr Catherine Le Visage, Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton Lab (RmeS)
- Pr Frank Boury, Angers University, Center for Research in Cancerology and Immunology Nantes-Angers (CRCINA)
- Dr Tuan N Guyen, GoLiver company CEO, Nantes
- Dr Franck Halary, Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology (CRTI)
- Dr Oumeya Adjali, Nantes Gene Therapy Laboratory Director
- Christelle Bervas, Nantes University Communication Advisor
- Lynda Guérineau, Atlanpole Biotherapies Cluster Networking Manager
- Nissrine Mekkaoui, Nantes University, Bioregate Assistant
- Mathis Benzina, Nantes University, Bioregate, IT assitance
International Scientific committee
- Pr Abhay Pandit (NUI Galway, Ireland), Director of the Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM)
- Pr Julie Fradette (University of Laval, Quebec, Canada), Director of the ThéCell network
- Pr Christine Jérôme (Liege University, Belgium), Director of the Center for Education and Research on Macromolecules (CERM)