Terms of Access
Acceptable students would have validated:
- Either year 1 of the Health/Biology Master of Angers Universitity (sciences or health courses)
- Or an equivalent from another higher education institution
Obtaining an internship in a research lab or company, in France or abroad is mandatory for registration validation.
General objectives
This multidisciplinary course aims to train students in the latest fundamentalbasic, technological and applied developments in the medical research field. The training program is delivredprovided by lecturers and researchers (from national research institutions such as INSERM, CNRS). It focuses mainly on basic and applied research in the fields of cellular and molecular biology.
The practical training through research will be given during several internships, 2 months in S2, 1 month in S3 +a 5 months internship S4 paid , for a total of 8 months carried out in a research laboratory or in a biotechnology companies company in France or abroad.
The students of the Health/ Biology Master Biology-Health benefit from the proximity of several INSERM and / or CNRS regional research units recognized at the regional level (including the “CRCINA”ed for some in the, Nantes-Angers Regional Center of for Cancerology and Immunology Nantes-Angers (CRCINA) against cancer, the “ (ICO”, Western cancerology Institute) or in projects of Cancéropôle Grand Ouest,.
The main thrusts of the research themes (Immuno-Cancerology, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (NCM) and Physiopathology and Vascular Pharmacology (PPV) can be found in the three courses offered in Master ICAT M2. compulsory modules and optional blocks depending on the proposed M2 course.
To train scientists in the professions of to become researchers and professors-researchor lecturerers, but also to provide them with a foundation of knowledge and skills necessary for allor any positions professions related to therequiring skills in health research protocol design and implementation professions. Train investigative clinicians and health professionals to design and implement a research protocol.
In year 2 of Health/Biology Master 2, the course “Cellular Interactions and Therapeutic Application” (ICAT) offers to the scientific or health students and the health sectors, teaching learning more particularly on the fundamental basic and translational aspects, transfers and therapeutics of the medical research in cellular and molecular biology and immuno- oncology.
Objectives related to Bioregate topics
Students future
After the M2 BS ICAT, students ca
- Enter the professional life and manage a research or R&D project
- Pursue a with doctoral studies
- Apply for a complementary diploma to become a clinical research associate
- Apply for a certification in animal experimentation in ONIRIS Vet’ School